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vaping vs smoking

Are e-cigarettes Harmful? This is a big concern for many consumers who have switched from cigarettes to e-cigarettes. No one on the Internet is offering any authoritative explanation. Now, let’s compare e-cigarettes to traditional cigarettes to see how they can be harmful.

What are e-cigarettes


First, most people don’t know that real cigarettes and e-cigarettes are two different things. For smoke, one is the solid particles produced after combustion, and the other is the fog produced after high temperature liquid atomization, the former is smoked bacon, the latter is to drink oil, pure of two concepts. There is also a common misconception that e-cigarettes are not smoking cessation products. They are at best smoking cessation AIDS and are merely alternatives to cigarettes. The principle is to use nicotine to solve the physical addiction, with simulated smoke and simulated smoke taste to solve the psychological addiction, in order to achieve the effect of real smoke.

There is also a situation where you end up quitting smoking and becoming addicted to e-cigarettes. This is actually quite common, and my friends in the vape enthusiast group are mostly in this situation. At the beginning of smoking, probably the vast majority of friends will feel no real smoke to smoke better, because the smoke oil itself does not contain tar, in the taste of real smoke or there is a certain degree of difference.

Why e-cigarettes

E-cigarettes differ from real cigarettes in the following aspects:

  1. E-cigarettes do not contain tar, carbon monoxide and almost all the other harmful substances found in cigarettes. They only contain nicotine, and nicotine itself is not much harm. Of course, you can’t take too much. If you smoke eight packs of real cigarettes a day, you can get nicotine poisoning, but you can also get nicotine poisoning before you get it.
  2. Electronic cigarettes almost do not produce second-hand smoke. They produce a small amount of fog that does not make people feel bad. The impact on people around them is almost negligible compared with the second-hand smoke of real cigarettes.
  3. electronic cigarettes can artificially control the content of nicotine, can gradually reduce the content of nicotine in use, with their own will, eventually may achieve the effect of smoking cessation.

The dangers of e-cigarettes

E-cigarettes are heated into water vapor and contain liquid nicotine. So, when it comes to lung cancer, e-cigarettes are definitely much safer than traditional cigarettes. However, e-cigarettes pass through heated liquid nicotine. The key word in this sentence is nicotine. Nicotine is bad for your body, no matter how you use it. According to researchers, nicotine constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure, while also putting strain on the heart. Because, in essence, e-cigarettes are bad for your health because they can cause heart attacks and strokes. The difference between e-cigarettes, which may cause cancer and heart disease, and regular cigarettes, which can cause heart disease. Also be aware of the risk of heart disease by taking preventive measures such as exercise, eating low fat foods, and just taking good care of yourself. All in all, e-cigarettes are bad for your health, or at least they can be. But overall, they are much less harmful than regular cigarettes.

If we want to compare the harm with traditional cigarettes, we should talk more about the harm of its manufacturing raw materials, tobacco oil and other supporting products, especially the harm of inferior electronic cigarettes.

  1. First, in order to achieve better results, some illegal businesses may be violated to add harmful substances, such as diethylene glycol instead of propylene glycol, nitrosamines, plasticizers, heavy metals, etc., which will cause great harm to human body. According to personal preference, tobacco oil is also added with chocolate, mint and other flavors of spices, the quality of spices directly determines the size of the harm of tobacco oil.
  2. Secondly, some e-cigarettes use batteries of poor quality, such lithium batteries have not been mandatory safety and quality certification. Putting such lithium batteries in the small size of e-cigarettes is like putting a time bomb in your mouth.
  3. Also, some merchants add excessive nicotine to e-cigarettes, which can lead to dizziness, nausea, vomiting and poisoning in the worst cases.
  4. In addition, many e-cigarettes on the market claim that “7 days of successful smoking cessation, unsuccessful refund” and so on, one-sided exaggeration of the smoking cessation AIDS of e-cigarettes, the e-cigarettes boast of the magic smoking cessation effect of smoking can quit, leading many smokers with high psychological expectations and wrong understanding buying, after use found that it is not so magical as said in the publicity, So extremely disappointed, and have a great misunderstanding of the product, again lit the hand cigarette, back to the arms of harmful cigarettes, greatly reduced the enthusiasm and confidence to quit smoking.
  5. There are fake and shoddy products in the e-cigarette market and frequent accidents: there have been many cases of fake and shoddy e-cigarette products at home and abroad, and serious accidents caused by quality problems have aroused the attention and criticism of e-cigarette products in the media of various countries.

Precautionary measures

Once you understand the principle, the precautions are clear. Try to choose the legitimate manufacturer of e-cigarettes, especially choose the legitimate manufacturer of e-cigarettes. Tobacco oil is generally marked with nicotine content, to choose low nicotine content of tobacco oil, do not figure cool and choose high nicotine content of tobacco oil.

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